
Literature: Virtual reality exhibition in the Gleimhaus Halberstadt

Literature: Virtual reality exhibition in the Gleimhaus Halberstadt

The Gleimhaus in Halberstadt is the last stop of a virtual reality exhibition by the Association of Literary Societies and Memorials (ALG). Through the show “Inherited, idolized, forgotten? The Museum for German Enlightenment in the Harz district announced that visitors will be able to use virtual reality glasses until the end of the year to learn about the meaning and communication of literature as cultural heritage. Immersing yourself in virtual worlds promises answers to questions such as “What can cultural heritage achieve?” and “How can literary heritage be conveyed?”.

Virtual encounters with Ringelnatz, Heine & Co.

At its core, it’s about preserving it for next generations and how challenging that is. Topics such as gender, East-West or language would be examined, it was said. Visitors encounter, for example Joachim RingelnatzAnnette von Droste-Hülshoff, Heinrich Heine and Navid Kermani. According to the information, it is the eleventh and final stop of the ALG exhibition, which was founded in 1986 as an umbrella organization for literary societies, clubs and literary museums. According to its own information, it has 270 members in German-speaking countries.

The Gleimhaus is dedicated to the poet Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (1719–1803). He worked in Halberstadt during the Enlightenment and died there. In 1862 his collections became publicly accessible in his original home at the cathedral. They consist, among other things, of the largest collection of portrait paintings from the German Enlightenment. According to its own information, the museum had around 11,000 guests in 2023.

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